This range of canvas's comes from Amanda's psychedelic / retro collection. They come from a period when Amanda was experimenting with the use of colour and texture to create stunning acrylic pieces that almost look 3D. Her attention to detail is seen here with flowing brush strokes that create great depth resulting in images that appear almost computer generated. All 36" x 24" in a wide range of colours and even sets of 3 complete this impressive collection.

Click any image for a larger view.


Retro Twirls 1
Retro Twirls 2
Retro Twirls 3
Retro Twirls 4
Retro Twirls 5
Retro Twirls 6
Triple Set - Charcoal
Retro Twirls 7
Unfortunately, my photography skills are not as good as Amandas art skills. As a result, my struggles with lighting etc mean these images do not do her work justice but serve as pictorial examples of her work.
Her experiments with black and white artwork has created these lovely pieces of work. The set of three in the centre extends to 6 feet x 3 feet in size making an impressive wall feature .
Retro Twirls 8
Retro Twirls 9
Retro Twirls 10
Triple Set - Tri-colour

Colours can be mix and matched to make sets of 3 to suit various tastes and decors. Here we have pink, green and blue in a vivid triple set combination.

Click image for larger view.




All pictures and content on this site are - © Amanda D Blake 2016 © -